31 Oct Why Christian counseling?
I know what your thinking?! I have tried going to counseling and nothing changed. What is the point of going to sit down and tell someone my problems? I just want you to take a moment and think back on a time where you may have had an issue and someone else was able to give you insight from another perspective. It was in that moment when a light bulb turned on in your mind. And sometimes the first thing that comes to mind is; wow, I didn’t think of it that way?! A counselor is someone experienced to see your situation from a different perspective and give intricate details as to how to confront and overcome your past or present circumstances. Let’s define counseling! We can start at the root word counsel-advise, guidance, direction.
Here’s what the Bible says about counseling:
Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellers there is safety. Proverbs 11:14
Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life. Proverbs 19:20
The wise man listens to godly advice, accepts instruction continually, and proactively seeks out wise counsel. For the LORD gives wisdom: out of his mouth comes knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6
Counseling is important in aspects of not only having knowledge of your situations but have the understanding of it through the wisdom of God. God is all knowing and He is the one that can make meaning of all that pertains to life. He uses people on earth that have yielded themselves to receive and offer strategies and direction. Leading people to Jesus is the ultimate goal; for in Him you will find that He is our only true source of strength and direction.
I have taken a survey from a few people on their thoughts of why they think that Christian counseling is important to maintaining well balanced mental health?
I feel that Christian counseling is important to maintain balanced mental health in order to gain sustainability. Christian counseling not only helps you through mental dysfunction but it allows you to open into a world of spirituality. This helps to keep your mind, body, and spirit balanced. When the body has balance with all components it functions in a better way.
Lashanta Dixon
I think the Christian counseling is important in maintaining mental health because yes most believe believe in God, but at times you get discouraged and may not know how to deal with life storms. One minute you can be up and the next min your down because of maintenance of life in general . When you have once been a negative thinking person & taking the step to try your best to always positive is a powerful thing. And they will learn how to deal with storms as they approach in life. Learning that there will still be storms no matter how close you are to God in my opinion, you just have to trust Him through the process. Some people go to counseling but don’t take the steps to get better …..it’s important to take the counselors advice and follow it …because in a very short period I started being very blessed because I talked to Crystal Love but I didn’t just listen; I began taking the steps and i haven’t stopped. I will continue to pray and journal Holistically. Whole Counseling has blessed my life.
Centria Bethel
Christian counseling is very rewarding because there is an opportunity to speak to the spiritual aspects and the natural aspects. You have a duo opportunity to help your clients in the spiritual and natural with whatever they are going through. It opens a door to address both sides.
Lashan Schaffer
I feel counseling is a good tool to help a person cope with various life situations using proven techniques. Life will flip you upside down and if you are operating from that place, you will continue to do damage or stay stagnant! Christian counseling will do the same and more. Christian counseling will help build or rebuild your faith in God and the principles He teaches. It gives you a new perspective on life and how trials are necessary! Whether it be to protect you or advance you, trials are a crucial learning experience. If a person is unaware of this, they will simply view trials as unfortunate circumstances or bad luck. I know personally, the small amount of Christian counseling I’ve received via videos, literature/Bible, and Mrs. Love, has changed my perspective on life and has given me a new quest to find purpose. The things I use to worry about are still real but are now small in comparison of the bigger scheme of things. Counseling/Christian counseling has relieved much anxiety, stress, and unhappiness which is crucial while functioning in everyday life.
Cyndi Lee
I think counseling of any form is vital to ones wholeness and wellness. Whether you’ve experienced trauma or not; it’s still beneficial to speak to a unbiased person who’s skilled in such areas to help one navigate through whatever life presents. Sometimes you feel more at peace and vulnerable by speaking to someone who doesn’t know you or know anyone you know for the purposes of confidentiality. You don’t have to be concerned if your personal business or what you’ve shared is exposed to anyone who knows you. I recall many who’s opted to seek counseling outside of their local Pastor. In contrast, I don’t believe that a Christian necessary has to speak to a Christian counselor each time just because they’re of the Christian Faith. It’s great to have balance and glean from a secular aspect as well but to each its own. At the end of the day, I’ve found that counseling has helped me see from a different viewpoint and perspective and that everything is not always what it seems.
Quiandria Willis
A smile can be misleading. It can mask the internal suffering of the mind and soul, which is why many afflicted with a mental health condition can slip through the cracks and may not receive from Him, offer strategies and give direction. It affects every part of your life. It helps you maintain balance because if you’re sick, every area of life is depleted and you’re not productive. I believe counseling is extremely important in any age of a person’s life.
LaSonja Boone
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